On a Living Spree

Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author
Something I ask myself on hard days: If I was elderly and/or very ill, and given the chance to re-experience a memory in exchange for all the money I had, what would it be?

I rarely think of the big accomplishments or bucket list items. Even though those things are important, I think of the moments like last night, a long sunset beach walk with my pup. Grateful for the little things in life while they last. ❤️

What memories would you go back to?
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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author

When you’re in fight-or-flight mode, everything you do or don’t do teaches the brain something about the perceived threat. When you avoid or flee the situation, your brain experiences a wave of relief. The amygdala learns that avoiding that situation is how you stay safe from that threat.

This is exactly how you want the brain to respond if the threat is a grizzly bear. But what if the perceived threat is something less biologically adaptive, like a worry about being judged or teased?

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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author

One of the first things I discovered when I began to surf was how arbitrary and punishing the ocean can be. You get up on the board, start to feel confident, and before you know it, you're underwater in the wash cycle, the sea tossing you around. Once your flailing is over, you make sure all your limbs are still bending the right way and you take deep breaths, grateful for all that beautiful oxygen in your lungs.

That’s not so different from real life. Sometimes a huge wave seems to come out of nowhere and knocks you down, leaving you disoriented and gasping for breath. That’s exactly what happened to me in the first months of 2020. I found myself sobbing on my apartment floor for months straight, wondering how everything had changed so quickly, and desperately trying to find a safe and stable shore where I could plant my feet.

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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author

In this enlightening podcast episode, we dive into how what people thought was a social good company that made millions of dollars, it started the journey of writing the book, Experiential Billionaire, and sharing the profound wisdom of living life with a sense of urgency and living a life rich in experiences. Discover powerful insights on seizing opportunities, transforming dreams into reality, and navigating life's unexpected turns.

In life, most of us experience some sort of unexpected wake-up calls, such as personal challenges or crises. This can profoundly alter one's perspective and priorities. These unforeseen events have the potential to reshape life's trajectory, pushing individuals to seek more meaningful experiences. We go into things that most people talk about wishing they would have done with their life and the excuses they made so that you can live a life that has no regrets!

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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author
Who is someone at work or school that you’d like to get to know better? Think about an experience they might like to do and invite them to do it with you. It can be as simple as trying a new lunch spot together, but challenge yourself to be more creative, especially if you already know something about their interests.
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Now Offering Workshops With My Co-Author Joe Huff!

Joe Huff and Bridget Hilton’s transformational workshop takes attendees through a powerful and entertaining half day focused on all the ways companies, teams and leaders can unlock powerful results and untapped human potential by learning how to identify and prioritize investing in fulfilling experiences.

Told through engaging real life experiences and backed by science, their stories energize, inspire, and provide the tools and habits necessary for attendees to learn how to find peak inspiration, build deeper and more meaningful connections with their teams and co-workers, overcome burnout, optimize individual and team performance, and cultivate strong feelings of fulfillment, community, belonging and wellbeing.

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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting, Retention Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author

Our experiences – the big trips, the small moments of joy, and everything in between – are the real wealth of our lives. So why is it that we consistently fail to do the things we’re yearning to do? And how can we live a life that’s experientially rich despite the daily grind?

Today’s show is a conversation with authors Bridget Hilton and Joe Huff about how to treat time as our most valuable currency while it’s still on our side.

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Bridget Hilton | Experiential Billionaire | Keynote Speaker

Thanks Ethan for having me on! One of my favorite chats. 

Bridget Hilton is co-author of the "Experiential Billionaire" book, which was just released. Her backstory is fascinating, and jumps from helping launch the careers of artists like Rihanna, The Weeknd and Taylor Swift, to shifting into founding the first ever social good electronics company which helped more than 50,000 people receive the gift of hearing for the first time.


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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author
It’s tempting to think life would be better if it always ran smoothly, right?

However, as much as you might wish that life was one fun and fulfilling experience after another:

Suffering and hard times teach us lessons that can’t be learned any other way.

But, to reap the benefits that come with hardship, you need to have the right mindset.

You must learn to reframe negative experiences into positive memories (or teachable moments).

This exercise helps you do that.
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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author
One of my favorite parts of travel is the level of optimism and gratitude I feel in the moment and more importantly afterward. I saw this clearly on a recent trip to India. After battling cows on Delhi freeways, waking up at 4 a.m. to be alone at the Taj Mahal, and meditating at Gandhi’s ashram, I headed to Mumbai to meet with local education and water filtration nonprofits. There I learned that the massive city was roughly 60 percent slums — millions of people living in makeshift houses of corrugated metal sheets, tarpaulin, and scrap materials. Despite the efforts of government agencies and NGOs, access to basic amenities like clean water and sanitation remained limited. Residents faced many challenges, including inadequate infrastructure, high rates of crime and drug abuse, and limited healthcare and education. The area was also prone to flooding during the monsoon season, which made life even harder.
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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author


When it comes to learning, Mahatma Gandhi put it best:

“Live as if you’ll die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever.”

In other words, cultivate a sense of urgency to pursue your desires and dreams now.

But—and this is important—don’t let that stop you from investing in your long-term growth.

When we’re young, we’re constantly learning.

Somewhere along the line, though, that growth starts to wane.

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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting, Retention Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author
Yesterday was crazy. Thank you for your support as we launch @experientialbillionaire 📚 and apologies for the delay some of you have received on the hardcover, if you need them sooner please DM us. Our website ExperientialBillionaire.com has signed hardcovers in stock...
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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting, Retention Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author
We’re taught from birth to measure wealth in currency, but Joe Huff and Bridget Hilton have created one of the largest surveys on life experiences ever done. And their research shows that the number one regret of the dying isn’t about money, it’s about the experiences people wished they’d had – but never did. Bridget and Joe have written a book called Experiential Billionaire that includes tools to show you how to live a life with a mountain of experiences and few regrets. You will not regret listening to this episode.
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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author
Today is the proudest day of my life. Experiential Billionaire: Build a Life Rich in Experiences and Die With No Regrets is officially out in the world.It would mean the world if you pressed "add to cart" on Amazon (link...
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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author
Most of us have a bucket list of things we’ll do once we grow up, after the kids move out, once we’ve retired… or someday. The problem with someday is that we don’t know when or if it will ever come, and more importantly, why wait? Most of life’s richest experiences don’t cost very much at all, and most things you could start to experience immediately.
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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author
Thank you Georgian for having Joe and I on the Gratitude Podcast! Check it out here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/experiences-make-us-grateful-1-2-bridget-joe-ep-854/id1148411834?i=1000625924167 -- Bridget Hilton and Joe Huff are obsessed with experiences. Determined to unlock the secrets of their power to transform lives, they have spent...
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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting, Retention, Burnout Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author
We’re so excited that Experiential Billionaire will be released in ONE WEEK! 🥳Holding a physical copy of the book for the first time was such a surreal experience. It is by far the most personal work we’ve ever done -...
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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting, Retention Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author
This is my next door neighbor Ron. Ron was one of the 20,000+ people we asked about their most valuable life experiences, their biggest regrets, and what was keeping them from their biggest goals while writing Experiential Billionaire 📚 One...
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Workplace Engagement - Problem and Solution
There's a Big Problem With Workplace Engagement.
  • The job market continues to boom, with millions of workers still leaving their jobs each month despite talk of a slowing economy and recession. Also booming, according to recent Gallup polling, worker disengagement and unhappiness.
  • This is not just an HR issue but a bottom line one as well: business units with engaged workers have 23% higher profit, while employees who are not engaged cost the world $7.8 trillion in lost productivity, equal to 11% of global GDP.
  • Sixty percent of people reported being emotionally detached at work and 19% as being miserable. Only 33% reported feeling engaged ­­— and that is even lower than 2020.

So What Can I Help With?

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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting, Retention, Burnout Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author
Join us for a free virtual class at UCLA x OPEN on October 10 at 12pm pst, where Joe and I will speak about the art, science and path to building a life rich in experiences. Q&A and follow up materials included.Link...
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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author

Today is the National Park Services Birthday! One of my life goals is to go to ALL of them - so far, I'm at 27/63 (43%)! Who wants to come for the rest?

NPS was created on August 35, 1916 to "preserve unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations".

It's one of my favorite things about this country. All entrance fees are waved today! Get outside :) 

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